Millennials & MEMEs

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Millennials in the Workplace

I am a Millennial (also known as a member of Generation Y).  If you were born in the 1980's-1990's, then you too are part of this group that is about 1/3 of today's workforce.  In my workplace, I've noticed that there is quite a difference between my generation and the one that came before me.  With all of us working under one roof, the differences are sometimes hard to ignore. Millennials are often seen as lazy, entitled, or high maintenance, that we were raised by 'helicopter' parents overly involved in our lives, and that we were raised on the theory that everyone is indeed a winner (and we have plenty of participation trophies to prove it).

Now, don't get me wrong, some of this is true. Though we may have some differing opinions then the older generation we work alongside, we are inevitably 'the future' and this may be my over-confident millennial mentality speaking, but we are also valuable. 

So here is what we want out of, and what we contribute to a workplace environment:

We aren't 'disloyal'

We just want to be happy.  Gone are the days where you spent 30-40 years working for the same company.  Older generations may see this as being disloyal or too focused on money.  In all honesty, if we're not happy (and by the way, we'll tell you when we're not), then we move on to something better.  We're looking for a place that realizes how valuable we are and that pays us accordingly.  In the era of LinkedIn, we're always keeping our options open and expanding our network.  Many of us are educated and grew up being told that "your degree in X will pay off."  So if we're buried in $50,000+ of school loans, and are feeling like we aren't valued, we're going to move on.

Work/life Balance

I know it might sound crazy, but work is not our priority. This makes older generations cranky, and gives them the impression that we're lazy or not committed to our jobs. Generally speaking, we are not willing to give up our lifestyle for our career.  We want to spend time with our family and friends, and want time to devote to our hobbies.  We spend at least 8 hours a day at work, so we want our 'free time' to be OUR time.  Companies that are rated highest among Millennials offer flexible hours, telecommuting options, paid volunteer opportunities, and plenty of paid vacation time. We want to work hard and play hard, and we will find a way to have it all.

Coworkers = friends?

I know its hard for some older generations to imagine, but we actually tend to become pretty close friends with our fellow millennial coworkers. We hang out on the weekends, grab drinks, celebrate birthdays and play on teams together.  We're friends on Facebook and Snapchat, and we text, tweet and Instagram each other. Older generations may see this as a workplace 'distraction,'  and do not always appreciate that the line of coworker and friend have become blurred- but for us, being friendly with our coworkers makes 'work' a little more fun!  We tend to stay at jobs longer if we like the people we're working with.

We're a little needy

If we're doing well...please tell us.  We're always looking for reassurance that we're doing a good job, and that we're a valued member of the team.  However, if you tell us we're doing a good job- we expect to be rewarded.  Our 'helicopter' parents engrained in us that we deserve better, and to ask for what we want.  So don't be surprised if we're mentally taking note of how much value we bring to the company, and how we should be paid more because of it #sorrynotsorry

Google it

Some of us vaguely remember dial up, but for the majority of our lives, we've grown up accustomed to laptops, smartphones, and social media.  Facebook has been around for half my life.  My cell phone is basically an appendage.  We are constantly connected.  In the age of Google, there is an answer to any and all questions.  When a tech issue arises at work, or I'm unsure of how to make my Excel document do what I want it to do- I Google it. If I'm unsure of how to address an envelope to Uganda - I Google it.  If I want to know why the copier machine isn't working - I Google it.  Older generations that haven't grown up with the answers at their finger tips, tend to call IT,  read operating manuals or ask a millennial.  People approach me multiple times a day with questions that I don't know the answers to- however...I know where to find them. Older generations accuse us of expecting instant gratification.  It's true- and it's not a bad thing.  In fact, the fact that we're constantly looking for answers, solving problems, and are quick learners is a benefit to the organization.

Workplaces will ultimately have to change management/organizational styles to appease the largest workforce- Whether the workplace is as traditional as an Accounting Firm, or as hip as an up and coming Advertising Agency. If not, they'll lose talented employees who, because of our strong networking and technology skills, have the potential to be one of the most productive generations to date.

So, long story short, we're not going anywhere, we are the future, and we're probably not going to stop talking about how great we are- it's a Millennial thing.

MEME Monday
Note to self:  Find a sign like this for my desk...

Bracket Busted?

Here are 15+ of the cutest, funniest dog related Snapchats ever taken to help put a smile on your face!
If you're still in line to win the office pool- follow March Madness live updates Here.  #GoBadgers

Quote of the Day

It always seems impossible until it's done" - Nelson Mandela


Weekend Vibes

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Lake Michigan @ Concordia University Wisconsin

Sunday's are for all the coffee...

and catching up with beautiful friends.

Weekend Vibes

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Irish Scrambler and Corned Beef Hash anyone?  Tis the season....

Roommate and I watched "Tickled" on HBO- a documentary about the seedy world of competitive tickling.  Sounds weird....but theres more to the story then it seems!  WATCH IT!

Sleeping in + Coffee + Cereal + Netflix = Lazy Sunday

Workplace Anxiety & Wiretapping


Work = Anxiety

Or is it just me?  I consider myself a pretty anxious person anyway but the job I have doesn't necessarily help. I kind of tend to feel like a soundboard/scapegoat/go to for things that run out or things that go wrong. As work and the people get busier and crazier, the more I just want to be home, cozy, under the covers...but that's not really an option #adulting.

According to WebMD:

  • 75% - 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.

  • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) declared stress a hazard of the workplace. Stress costs American industry more than $300 billion annually.

For my own sanity (and yours) I've looked in to some ways to help deal with workplace stress and reduce work related anxiety.

Ease into your Day

I've mentioned this before, but rolling over in bed and logging in to your email to see what awaits you is just going to cause you to  stress out.  Try to make morning time your time.  Wake up early enough so you don't have to rush to make it to work on time.  Use your 'you' time to make a good breakfast, enjoy your coffee uninterrupted, workout (good for you), or master winged eyeliner (good for me). Create a morning routine and your mind and body will be healthier and prepared for the day.

You can't control everything...

And thats OK! For me, not feeling like I have any control makes my anxiety significantly worse. Although there will always be things you have no say or control over, there are a few things that you can manage to take control of to help reduce your workplace stress.  Take a few minutes every day to 'de-clutter' your desk.  An organized space is proven to increase your ability to stay focused and calm your mind.  Keep your inbox under control.  If you have 4,287 emails in your inbox- that's too many. I've gotten really good at only keeping things that I need to get done in my inbox- everything else gets filed away.  I rarely ever have more then 10-15 emails in my inbox at a time (I probably just jinxed myself...).  One thing you have complete control over is yourself- your attitude- how you react to certain situations- and how you deal with them.  I might not have control over the fact that the vending machine ran out of Diet Coke and caused people to be irrationally frustrated, but I do have control over how I react when I get rude Diet Coke withdrawal induced emails.  It's not easy- and I'm not good at it but it's a #workinprogress

Take a Break

Again, not necessarily easy for me personally to do, since I'm chained to my desk but when I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed or upset- I walk away (please note:  walking away does not mean walk out).  I take a minute or 5 to myself to calm down, re-group, and refocus so that I can tackle whatever obstacle just put me into a tailspin head-on.

Be Proactive vs. Reactive (thanks #bosslady)

When something goes wrong, whether it's in your control or not, and after you've resolved the problem (because you're a rockstar),  take a step back and see what you can do to help prevent the situation from happening again.  It's easier to prevent a problem from happening then it is to try to fix it after it's already happened.  #lessonlearned

Try to keep it in perspective.  I'm not performing Brain Surgery or curing cancer, and no one will die because we ran out of paper plates and sweet-n'-low (even is they may act like it).

Here's to another workweek!

MEME Monday

Did Obama tap that?

President Trump thinks so.  This weekend Trump tweeted:

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"
The president has accused his predecessor of tapping his phones at Trump Tower in October, without offering any evidence. The White House wants Congress to investigate .  Meanwhile the former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper stated:

"For the part of the national security apparatus that I oversaw as DNI, there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the President-elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign,"

I'm sure this isn't going away anytime soon #tobecontinued...


Click here for 32 of the most wholesome things that have ever happened (some of the language is a little NSFW)

Quote of the Day

What she tackles she conquers"

- Richard Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)

Weekend Vibes

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My friend is getting married in May!  Saturday we worked on making her beautiful centerpieces. I learned two things:
I cannot tie bows- even after watching YouTube videos
Wire Cutters are scary

Can't wait till the big day #MOH 

More Bridget Jones.

The only thing I hate more then work and adulting is grocery shopping.
(Yes those are Lucky Charms- They're GF now)

The usual Sunday Night Blues and Talenti

I had full intentions of posting tonight...

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But I caught 'The Crud'

So instead, lets go over 5 ways to avoid catching the bug thats going around your office, according to Forbes.

  1. Wash you hands- duh.  Viruses can be transferred by touching something else (phone, stapler, copy machine etc.) that someone sick, that hasn't washed their hands has touched.
  2.  Limit your hand to hand contact- In the business world this isn't always avoidable, but be sure to wash your hands and use hand sanitizer often to help kill germs.
  3. Multivitamins-  Taking a multivitamin can help boost your immunity.  Vitamin C #allday (obviously, if your on other medications for existing health reasons check with your Doctor/ Pharmacist if taking a multivitamin is OK-  a bad interaction would be significantly worse than a cold)
  4. Be Healthy- If you're already a relatively healthy person (no smoking, work out regularly, eating well), this helps to maintain a healthy immune system. 
  5. Call in Sick-  If you're really feeling awful, you probably won't be very productive anyway.  Plus, if you stay home, you won't be infecting everyone else at the office. (Don't worry #bosslady I'm not planning on calling in tomorrow)
If you have any super secret remedies of how to get the gunk thats built up in my head to dissipate I'd greatly appreciate it!

Time for NyQuil.


Oscars & Big Love

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Happy Monday- Here's how to start your work week...

Have a rough morning?  Maybe you hit snooze too many times, didn't have time for breakfast, or checked your email and saw something to put you in a mood before even walking into the office. How can you get the best start to your morning, and since it's Monday (ew), the best start to your work week?

Don't hit snooze

Easier said then done right? In all honesty, you know that by hitting that 'snooze button' you're just causing a more hectic stressful morning for yourself.  Don't start the day off being behind.  When your alarm goes off, get vertical.  If you have a consistent issue with this, you may want to invest in one of these.

Put down your phone

Try not to immediately hop on to your phone.  You'll be staring at screens most of the day, so give your eyes a rest for at least the first 10 minutes of the morning.  "But I won't know what's going on in the woooorld"- well, there is there thing called The News.  It's on every morning, pick a channel, and they'll even tell you what the weather and traffic will be like!  #lifebeforetwitter.

On this topic, try not to check any work related emails or voicemails.  Again, easier said then done.
Personally, I like knowing what I'm walking into when I get int he office.  However, when I do this, 80% of the time there is something sitting in my inbox that immediately makes me stressed, unhappy, or sometimes down right angry.  This makes it absolute torture to get up, get dressed, and walk into the office.

Let the Sunshine in

Thats what mama always said.  Natural light helps to wake you up! Open the shade and get ready in the sunlight.  If you wake up before the sun comes up (kudos to you by the way)- turn on a VERY bright light and it will be almost as effective.

Make your bed

Mama probably always said this too right?  Well, not only does it help keep your room tidy, and keep you from crawling back into your bed, but science  says it will make your day better!

Today is a new day

Still cranky about something that happened last week?  You can't change it, so let it go...  Focus on today.

So if today started out rough- here's to a better tomorrow!

MEME Monday

And the Oscar goes to....

I have no idea because I'm not watching***.  I know.  I'm terrible.  I also didn't see a single one of the movies nominated.  Instead, I'm watching the 'The Great British Bake Off' - because I love watching people with fancy accents indulge in gluten-y goodness.  However, if you want a complete list of the winners click HERE.  The only part of the Oscars that I did see was Mel Gibson walking the red carpet with his girlfriend that is 36 years his junior....#uncomfortable.

For those of you that did watch, you may have noticed some actors wearing blue ribbons, including 'Best Actress' nominee Ruth Negga.  These ribbons were worn in support of the American Civil Liberties Union.  The ACLU is a nonprofit organization which is,  “devoted to protecting the rights of everyone in America.”  The organization has spoken out against many of President Trump's policies since he took office.  The ACLU reached out to many of the major nominees in hopes that they would wear the blue ribbon in solidarity.  

What were your favorite parts of the Oscars??

***Edit (11:15 PM)- I just saw the end.  WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!?!  Someone got fired.  Apparently they let anyone stuff the envelopes for these events.  As a semi-professional envelope stuffer...I'm embarrassed. Almost as #cringeworthy as the Steve Harvey incident.

'God only knows what I'd be without you...'

Actor Bill Paxton passed away on Saturday at the age of 61, due to surgery complications.  Paxton starred in 'Weird Science,' 'Alien,' 'Apollo 13,' 'Twister,' and one of my all time favorite shows, the HBO series 'Big Love.'  (curious about the title to this section?  Watch 'Big Love's opening credits HERE) #RIP


President Trump's nominee for the for Secretary of the Navy, Philip Bilden withdrew himself from consideration because of his business interests;

I have determined that I will not be able to satisfy the Office of Government Ethics requirements without undue disruption and materially adverse divestment of my family's private financial interests."

Whats awkward is that just last week Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, in response to questions about Bilden's possible withdrawal tweeted:

Those people would be wrong.  Just spoke with him [Bilden] and he is 100% committed to being the next SECNAV pending Senate confirm.'

Quote of the Day

I'm going to make everything around me beautiful- that will be my life."
 -Elsie de Wolfe 


Weekend Vibes

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My Happy Place...

Are these not the cutest glasses you've ever seen?!

...Finally Spent my Sephora Gift card... Thanks #bosslady

Happy Friday and...

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Welcome!  I'll be posting here about 2/3 times a week (hopefully).  I'm new at this so the possibility of this page ALSO looking different 2/3 time a week is also likely.  Thank you all that have continued to read!  You are AMAZING and so supportive.

If there is anything you'd like me to read about- contact me anytime!



Fidget Cube & Photobombs

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 "I'll stay for one drink" - said no one ever
(written after a work Happy Hour)

Home Away from Home

Sort of.  We spend a LOT of time at our desks.  If you walk past a row of cubicles or offices theres no doubt that some people have transformed their 3 or 4 walls into a 'happy place' of sorts.  After all, you might as well enjoy the space you're stuck in for 8+ hours of the day.  If your workspace is in need of a serious upgrade, no worries, I've searched the interwebs for all the necessary desk accessories.
  • Bunny Ear Memo Board- You may receive a few strange looks but they're a perfect place to put your 347 post it notes
  • Desktop Dream Pen - So this is basically just a pen that's in the shape of a palm tree, but the name sounds so nice.  Maybe, just maybe, if you hold the pen really tight, you'll be transported from your desk to a tropical island.
  • The Fidget Cube- Described as "An unusually addicting, high-quality desk toy designed to help you focus. Fidget at work in style."
I'm dying to know what you have at your desk that makes it a 'home away from home'- a rude cross stitch? Stuffed animal?  Pictures of your furbabies or actual babies?  Send pictures! 

Just another Wednesday in Washington
Wednesday, the Trump Administration withdrew federal protections put in place by the previous administration that protected transgender students' right to use the bathroom with the gender they identify with.  As you would expect, civil rights groups are not happy, but those that opposed the federal government's involvement under the Obama administration in what some believe is a 'state rights' issue see this as a small victory.
Mixed Messages.  Thats what VP Mike Pence, and White House strategist Steve Bannon are giving the European Union. Bannon described the EU as a 'flawed institution' a week before Pence went to Brussels to reaffirm the United States' commitment to the union. So at this point, no one is really quite sure what the US thinks of The EU.
A poll conducted by Quinnipiac University has found that 52% of American voters trust the Media more then President Trump.  However, a of those voters that are Republican, 78% trust Trump more.  

"I Quit!"

That is what someone will be marching into work to say today if they won Wednesday nights Powerball.  It's only the 10th largest jackpot of all time- a mere $403 million*. It clearly wasn't me, and chances are it wasn't you either...unless you're the lucky 1 in 175 million. A girl can dream...

*and as I wrote this the jackpot just went to up $435 Million

You know that Dictionary you have at your desk...

Toss it.  Merriam-Webster has added about 1,000 new words this week. A few of the new words relate to politics, smartphones and streaming.  Here are a few of the recent additions:

  • Truther (noun) - one who believes that the truth about an important subject or event is being concealed from the public by a powerful conspiracy
  • Binge-Watch (verb)- to watch many or all episodes of (a TV series) in rapid succession
  • NSFW (abbreviation) - not safe for work; not suitable for work —used to warn someone that a website, e-mail attachment, etc., is not suitable for viewing at most places of employment  
  • Photobomb (verb) - to move into the frame of a photograph as it is being taken as a joke or prank
If you take anything away from this...make sure to never ever open anything marked NSFW at work! (you're welcome)

A few of my favorite things...
Coqui Paperie & Gifts - a family owned paper and gift boutique in Brookfield. I love this store.  Everything they sell is adorable; from personalized gifts, stationary, small gifts, scarves, bags, unique greeting cards AND they even design their own wedding and event invitations.  It's impossible for me to walk in and not spent money. Oh, and they sell my favorite water bottle in literally every color imaginable.  #shoplocal

Quote of the Day
"Don't take responsibility for something that's out of your control"- Debbie Remmel

PS- I've officially survived a week of writing this!  THANK YOU for reading


Corgi Butts & Balto

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Lots to do, but ZERO ambition to do it...

This is me this week.  I didn't even feel like writing this.  The thought of filing one morething, or scanning one more thing is turning my brain to literal mush. If I could hide from the ever looming piles of work I would, but you know- #adulting 

I decided to search the interwebs for ways to get my #workgroove back...

Organize your Work Station
Keeping your desk space organized and clutter free helps to decrease distractions.  Reorganizing can help you focus and no one can argue against the fact that it feels better working in a clean space.  Keeping only the things you need in front of you will help to limit distractions. 

Don't forget your Water Bottle
I've become a major proponent of water lately!  Not only are there health benefits, like I mentioned last week, BUT water helps to reduce fatigue.  At the first sign of droopy eyelids and incessant yawning, down a glass of water and it will help perk you up!

Make an 'old school' To-Do List
Writing down a list and keeping it in eyesight helps to actually get things done.  It's a great feeling to physically cross something off your list.  Write down what you want to accomplish and attempt to cross of as much as you can.

PLEASE let me know what you do to help you stay focused at work!  I need all the help I can get this week!

Happy Hump Day and here's to getting my #workgroove back!

"An Utter Failure"
On Tuesday, the Uber  CEO Travis Kalanick addressed the claims of workplace sexism in the company.  These claims have come to light recently in a viral essay  written by a former Uber engineer, Susan Fowler Rigetti. Rigetti describes multiple instances in which Uber ignored her claims of sexual harassment.  In the all-employee meeting, in which many sources in attendance claim that he was visibly emotional, Kalanick apologized to employees, claimed accountability for the company's issues and that the handling of Rigetti's claims was an "an utter failure."  So, at least someone is having a worse week them you.


This miraculous angel, named Anna Goldfarb at who tried 17 Talenti Gelato flavors and ranked them. If you haven't indulged in the deliciousness that is Talenti, I suggest you do. PLUS, it's less fat then traditional ice cream, and makes you sound much fancier because its European. Anna ultimately chose 'Caramel Apple Pie' as her top ranking gelato flavor.  I find it slightly absurd that my personal favorite, 'Sicilian Pistachio' was ranked a heartbreaking 11.  Have you tried Talenti?  Do you have a favorite flavor?  Thank you Anna Goldfarb for jeopardizing your summer bikini body to provide the world with this valuable information.  I'm jealous I didn't think of it first... #SicilianPistachio4ever

Running out of things to watch on Netflix?

Here's a list of everything added to Netflix in February. (You're welcome). I'm most excited for 'Balto'- I carried around a stuffed husky from 1995-1996 and became a self proclaimed Iditarod expert. #weekendplans

Hump Day
Here are 35 Corgis to get you through your Wednesday. #corgibutts

Quote of the Day
"Whatever you are, be a good one"- William Makepeace Thackeray


Gratitude, Gambino & Green Cards

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The 'Golden Rule' in the workplace:  How to treat your Administrative Staff

A happy Administrative Professional is an invaluable resource to any organization. Generally speaking, we're perceptive to the needs of others and work to be proactive and efficient. Sometimes it feels as if you have zero control, and yet, if something doesn't go right, you become the one to blame.  I think it takes a special type of person to work day in and day out in this role and remain happy and fulfilled.*cough* I'm not one of them *cough*. 

Here are 5 points that I believe would help make an Administrative Professional's life a little easier (or at least mine):

Build Trust

If you throw someone under the proverbial bus once, they will never forget it. You cannot work effectively with someone you don't trust- no matter what the working relationship is. Managers should also trust that we are capable.  Do not 'dumb it down.'  It's condescending, and after X amount of years in a position, they should trust that we are fully capable of completing a task successfully without having our hand held. My job is to make you look good. I have your back, so you should have mine.

Keep it Professional

Generally speaking, if you're nice to me, I'm fine with helping you with tasks that aren't necessarily in my job description.  However, keep in mind it is not in my job to make reservations at country clubs,  help you fill out your application for a passport, call about your lost dry cleaning, and I'm most definitely not a Christmas Elf that is entrusted to make sure your niece's present from Santa makes it to Minnesota on time.  Anything we're asked to do should be relevant to our companies mission. We're here to help...within reason.  Do not take advantage of my 'niceness.'

Help me Help you

We are unfortunately, not mind readers. I want to help you, I really do, but if it's not communicated with me how exactly to go about doing that, we're going to have issues.  Communication is the absolute key to reducing the internal whirlwind. Do not yell at me because all of a sudden you want your calls screened, after I've been working here over 2 years and you've never had me screen a single call for you before.  If you tell us how to help you, I can assure you, it will be done and done well.

Respect my space AND our space
This one may be a little personal for me.  My desk is a communal space.  It's open to everyone.  I'm not complaining, it's part of the job.  However, if I come to work and my drawers are open, and there are 4 snickers wrappers on my desk, and my few personal items are moved around...I am going to be cranky.  Also, there is no secret algorithm to laying things on my desk.  I think the thought process is "oh I'll pile it on her keyboard, then she'll see it" or "I'll stack it on her chair, then she'll do that first."  I assure you, it will all get done.  Just put it on my desk in a nice organized pile instead of booby trapping  my desk.  I think, in general, everyone should treat everyone else's workspaces with some kind of respect.  Additionally, we spend a lot of time at work.  Everyone should be responsible for cleaning up their own messes. Again, the Administrative Staff is always willing to help- within reason.  Do not take advantage.  We're Administrative Staff, not the cleaning crew.

A 'thank you' every once in a while makes a big difference.  Employees that feel appreciated are happy employees, whether they are Administrative staff or not.

As I say...."If A isn't happy, no ones happy"

What are your thoughts?  Agree?  Disagree?  Anything to add?  Let me know! 

Travel Ban (take two) 
Early next week, expect to see a revised executive order on immigration.  President Trump says this revised order will "protect our people" and appease the courts that weren't so hot on the travel ban executive order the first time around.  A major difference between the original order and the revised version is that the order will no longer impact Green Card holders.  The Trump Administration acknowledged the rushed rollout of the previous order caused some major issues in airports across the country and many, many protests.  The revised order is most likely going to be rolled out in phases.  We'll learn more specifics regarding the #redo executive order as the week progresses.

Hakuna Matata...unless Lindsey Lohan is involved...because then I'm worried.

Disney's 'The Lion King' is one of the most successful animated films AND Broadway musicals of all time.  Because of this, Disney has decided to combine the two and create a live action movie.  The internet is crazy excited about the casting choices so far.  Director Jon Favreau announced the casting choices via his twitter.  Donald Glover (aka Childish Gambino) will be cast as Simba, and James Earl Jones will be reprising his  role as Mufasa more then 20 years after the original animated film *Spoiler Alert* Mufasa dies.

Disney 'remaking' animated films into live action movies seems to be all the rage in 2017.  I mean, have you seen the trailer for 'Beauty & The Beast?!' #takemymoney. Someone thats REALLY hoping the trend continues is Lindsay Lohan.  Lohan posted a photo of herself alongside Ariel from 'The Little Mermaid' on her Instagram account with the caption '#thelittlemermaid.' According to Entertainment Weekly, Lohan's original caption read:

"I will sing again, as #ariel #thelittlemermaid [if] @Disney approve that #billcondon directs it,"

I'm thinking this isn't something I need to worry about.  She has red guess there is a resemblencte, however Lohan hasn't put out any music since her first (and only) album in 2004, and hasn't had a movie in the theaters since 'Scary Movie 5.'  But so help me if they ruin 'The Little Mermaid' for me...I will NOT be happy. I'm thinking this movie is best left #underthesea 

Need a 60 Second Break?
These 9 questions will help determine if you are a "Type A" or "Type B" personality.

Quote of the Day
"Gratitude is the memory of the heart" - Jean Massieu


Shamrock Shakes & Sweden

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MEME Monday

**I am currently suffering from a Shamrock Shake hangover...I love lactose but it doesn't love me back** #IWillNeverGiveUpDairy

What happened in Sweden?
Nothing. Nothing happened in Sweden.  President Trump had many confused after he referenced the country Saturday at a rally in Florida. Many believed the president was alluding that a terrorist attack took place in the country the day before:
"You look at what's happening in Germany. You look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris."

The Swedish Embassy's official Twitter Account  quickly responded to assure people that no such terrorist attack had taken place:
"Unclear to us what President Trump was referring to. Have asked US officials for explanation."

Even the former Prime Minister of Sweden, Carl Bildt, spoke out via Twitter suggesting that the President may have been 'smoking' something.

On Sunday, The Deputy White House Press Secretary, Sarah Sanders, told reporters that President Trump was referring to rising crime rates in the country, and no specific incidents.  Trump himself later tweeted that he was referencing a story from Fox News that was concerning immigrants and Sweden.

Miracle @ Mayo

Back in June, Mayo Clinic preformed a face transplant procedure.  The procedure, which is extremely rare, and the first for Mayo, took 56 hours and 60 Medical Professionals.  This past week the story of the recipient, Andy Sandness and the donor, Calen Ross became public.  Both men suffered from severe depression.  Sandness had attempted suicide and failed 10 years ago.  The attempt had made him horribly disfigured from the eyes down.  Calen succumbed to his depression and took his own life in June.  His widow carried out his wish to be an organ donor. I urge you to read and watch the story here.

On a personal note, I happened to sit next to Andy at a restaurant in Rochester this past weekend.  You would never know that he had suffered horrible disfigurement or that he underwent a grueling life changing procedure.  He just seemed like a happy guy out to dinner with friends enjoying a night out.  It was amazing to see the miracle of medicine firsthand. 

Anywhere but here...
Check out homes/apartments/rooms literally anywhere at 
I have yet to have a bad experience with an Airbnb, in fact I stayed in a cute bungalow this weekend in Rochester for way cheaper then any hotel. So...if today gets rough and you need something to look forward to, why not plan a vacay?

Bummed it's Monday?
Here are 25 Times that the characters of 'Parks & Rec' had a way worse day then you.

Quote of the Day
"You can't wait for inspiration.  You have to go after it with a club." - Jack London

Up Next...
"The 'Golden Rule' in the Workplace"- if you have any recommendations or insights on how people should treat each other in the workplace, or more specifically how people should treat their Administrative staff let me know!