Workplace Anxiety & Wiretapping


Work = Anxiety

Or is it just me?  I consider myself a pretty anxious person anyway but the job I have doesn't necessarily help. I kind of tend to feel like a soundboard/scapegoat/go to for things that run out or things that go wrong. As work and the people get busier and crazier, the more I just want to be home, cozy, under the covers...but that's not really an option #adulting.

According to WebMD:

  • 75% - 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.

  • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) declared stress a hazard of the workplace. Stress costs American industry more than $300 billion annually.

For my own sanity (and yours) I've looked in to some ways to help deal with workplace stress and reduce work related anxiety.

Ease into your Day

I've mentioned this before, but rolling over in bed and logging in to your email to see what awaits you is just going to cause you to  stress out.  Try to make morning time your time.  Wake up early enough so you don't have to rush to make it to work on time.  Use your 'you' time to make a good breakfast, enjoy your coffee uninterrupted, workout (good for you), or master winged eyeliner (good for me). Create a morning routine and your mind and body will be healthier and prepared for the day.

You can't control everything...

And thats OK! For me, not feeling like I have any control makes my anxiety significantly worse. Although there will always be things you have no say or control over, there are a few things that you can manage to take control of to help reduce your workplace stress.  Take a few minutes every day to 'de-clutter' your desk.  An organized space is proven to increase your ability to stay focused and calm your mind.  Keep your inbox under control.  If you have 4,287 emails in your inbox- that's too many. I've gotten really good at only keeping things that I need to get done in my inbox- everything else gets filed away.  I rarely ever have more then 10-15 emails in my inbox at a time (I probably just jinxed myself...).  One thing you have complete control over is yourself- your attitude- how you react to certain situations- and how you deal with them.  I might not have control over the fact that the vending machine ran out of Diet Coke and caused people to be irrationally frustrated, but I do have control over how I react when I get rude Diet Coke withdrawal induced emails.  It's not easy- and I'm not good at it but it's a #workinprogress

Take a Break

Again, not necessarily easy for me personally to do, since I'm chained to my desk but when I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed or upset- I walk away (please note:  walking away does not mean walk out).  I take a minute or 5 to myself to calm down, re-group, and refocus so that I can tackle whatever obstacle just put me into a tailspin head-on.

Be Proactive vs. Reactive (thanks #bosslady)

When something goes wrong, whether it's in your control or not, and after you've resolved the problem (because you're a rockstar),  take a step back and see what you can do to help prevent the situation from happening again.  It's easier to prevent a problem from happening then it is to try to fix it after it's already happened.  #lessonlearned

Try to keep it in perspective.  I'm not performing Brain Surgery or curing cancer, and no one will die because we ran out of paper plates and sweet-n'-low (even is they may act like it).

Here's to another workweek!

MEME Monday

Did Obama tap that?

President Trump thinks so.  This weekend Trump tweeted:

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"
The president has accused his predecessor of tapping his phones at Trump Tower in October, without offering any evidence. The White House wants Congress to investigate .  Meanwhile the former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper stated:

"For the part of the national security apparatus that I oversaw as DNI, there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the President-elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign,"

I'm sure this isn't going away anytime soon #tobecontinued...


Click here for 32 of the most wholesome things that have ever happened (some of the language is a little NSFW)

Quote of the Day

What she tackles she conquers"

- Richard Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)


  1. That #bosslady is REALLY smart. You should listen to her!
