Millennials & MEMEs

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Millennials in the Workplace

I am a Millennial (also known as a member of Generation Y).  If you were born in the 1980's-1990's, then you too are part of this group that is about 1/3 of today's workforce.  In my workplace, I've noticed that there is quite a difference between my generation and the one that came before me.  With all of us working under one roof, the differences are sometimes hard to ignore. Millennials are often seen as lazy, entitled, or high maintenance, that we were raised by 'helicopter' parents overly involved in our lives, and that we were raised on the theory that everyone is indeed a winner (and we have plenty of participation trophies to prove it).

Now, don't get me wrong, some of this is true. Though we may have some differing opinions then the older generation we work alongside, we are inevitably 'the future' and this may be my over-confident millennial mentality speaking, but we are also valuable. 

So here is what we want out of, and what we contribute to a workplace environment:

We aren't 'disloyal'

We just want to be happy.  Gone are the days where you spent 30-40 years working for the same company.  Older generations may see this as being disloyal or too focused on money.  In all honesty, if we're not happy (and by the way, we'll tell you when we're not), then we move on to something better.  We're looking for a place that realizes how valuable we are and that pays us accordingly.  In the era of LinkedIn, we're always keeping our options open and expanding our network.  Many of us are educated and grew up being told that "your degree in X will pay off."  So if we're buried in $50,000+ of school loans, and are feeling like we aren't valued, we're going to move on.

Work/life Balance

I know it might sound crazy, but work is not our priority. This makes older generations cranky, and gives them the impression that we're lazy or not committed to our jobs. Generally speaking, we are not willing to give up our lifestyle for our career.  We want to spend time with our family and friends, and want time to devote to our hobbies.  We spend at least 8 hours a day at work, so we want our 'free time' to be OUR time.  Companies that are rated highest among Millennials offer flexible hours, telecommuting options, paid volunteer opportunities, and plenty of paid vacation time. We want to work hard and play hard, and we will find a way to have it all.

Coworkers = friends?

I know its hard for some older generations to imagine, but we actually tend to become pretty close friends with our fellow millennial coworkers. We hang out on the weekends, grab drinks, celebrate birthdays and play on teams together.  We're friends on Facebook and Snapchat, and we text, tweet and Instagram each other. Older generations may see this as a workplace 'distraction,'  and do not always appreciate that the line of coworker and friend have become blurred- but for us, being friendly with our coworkers makes 'work' a little more fun!  We tend to stay at jobs longer if we like the people we're working with.

We're a little needy

If we're doing well...please tell us.  We're always looking for reassurance that we're doing a good job, and that we're a valued member of the team.  However, if you tell us we're doing a good job- we expect to be rewarded.  Our 'helicopter' parents engrained in us that we deserve better, and to ask for what we want.  So don't be surprised if we're mentally taking note of how much value we bring to the company, and how we should be paid more because of it #sorrynotsorry

Google it

Some of us vaguely remember dial up, but for the majority of our lives, we've grown up accustomed to laptops, smartphones, and social media.  Facebook has been around for half my life.  My cell phone is basically an appendage.  We are constantly connected.  In the age of Google, there is an answer to any and all questions.  When a tech issue arises at work, or I'm unsure of how to make my Excel document do what I want it to do- I Google it. If I'm unsure of how to address an envelope to Uganda - I Google it.  If I want to know why the copier machine isn't working - I Google it.  Older generations that haven't grown up with the answers at their finger tips, tend to call IT,  read operating manuals or ask a millennial.  People approach me multiple times a day with questions that I don't know the answers to- however...I know where to find them. Older generations accuse us of expecting instant gratification.  It's true- and it's not a bad thing.  In fact, the fact that we're constantly looking for answers, solving problems, and are quick learners is a benefit to the organization.

Workplaces will ultimately have to change management/organizational styles to appease the largest workforce- Whether the workplace is as traditional as an Accounting Firm, or as hip as an up and coming Advertising Agency. If not, they'll lose talented employees who, because of our strong networking and technology skills, have the potential to be one of the most productive generations to date.

So, long story short, we're not going anywhere, we are the future, and we're probably not going to stop talking about how great we are- it's a Millennial thing.

MEME Monday
Note to self:  Find a sign like this for my desk...

Bracket Busted?

Here are 15+ of the cutest, funniest dog related Snapchats ever taken to help put a smile on your face!
If you're still in line to win the office pool- follow March Madness live updates Here.  #GoBadgers

Quote of the Day

It always seems impossible until it's done" - Nelson Mandela


Weekend Vibes

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Lake Michigan @ Concordia University Wisconsin

Sunday's are for all the coffee...

and catching up with beautiful friends.

Weekend Vibes

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Irish Scrambler and Corned Beef Hash anyone?  Tis the season....

Roommate and I watched "Tickled" on HBO- a documentary about the seedy world of competitive tickling.  Sounds weird....but theres more to the story then it seems!  WATCH IT!

Sleeping in + Coffee + Cereal + Netflix = Lazy Sunday

Workplace Anxiety & Wiretapping


Work = Anxiety

Or is it just me?  I consider myself a pretty anxious person anyway but the job I have doesn't necessarily help. I kind of tend to feel like a soundboard/scapegoat/go to for things that run out or things that go wrong. As work and the people get busier and crazier, the more I just want to be home, cozy, under the covers...but that's not really an option #adulting.

According to WebMD:

  • 75% - 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.

  • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) declared stress a hazard of the workplace. Stress costs American industry more than $300 billion annually.

For my own sanity (and yours) I've looked in to some ways to help deal with workplace stress and reduce work related anxiety.

Ease into your Day

I've mentioned this before, but rolling over in bed and logging in to your email to see what awaits you is just going to cause you to  stress out.  Try to make morning time your time.  Wake up early enough so you don't have to rush to make it to work on time.  Use your 'you' time to make a good breakfast, enjoy your coffee uninterrupted, workout (good for you), or master winged eyeliner (good for me). Create a morning routine and your mind and body will be healthier and prepared for the day.

You can't control everything...

And thats OK! For me, not feeling like I have any control makes my anxiety significantly worse. Although there will always be things you have no say or control over, there are a few things that you can manage to take control of to help reduce your workplace stress.  Take a few minutes every day to 'de-clutter' your desk.  An organized space is proven to increase your ability to stay focused and calm your mind.  Keep your inbox under control.  If you have 4,287 emails in your inbox- that's too many. I've gotten really good at only keeping things that I need to get done in my inbox- everything else gets filed away.  I rarely ever have more then 10-15 emails in my inbox at a time (I probably just jinxed myself...).  One thing you have complete control over is yourself- your attitude- how you react to certain situations- and how you deal with them.  I might not have control over the fact that the vending machine ran out of Diet Coke and caused people to be irrationally frustrated, but I do have control over how I react when I get rude Diet Coke withdrawal induced emails.  It's not easy- and I'm not good at it but it's a #workinprogress

Take a Break

Again, not necessarily easy for me personally to do, since I'm chained to my desk but when I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed or upset- I walk away (please note:  walking away does not mean walk out).  I take a minute or 5 to myself to calm down, re-group, and refocus so that I can tackle whatever obstacle just put me into a tailspin head-on.

Be Proactive vs. Reactive (thanks #bosslady)

When something goes wrong, whether it's in your control or not, and after you've resolved the problem (because you're a rockstar),  take a step back and see what you can do to help prevent the situation from happening again.  It's easier to prevent a problem from happening then it is to try to fix it after it's already happened.  #lessonlearned

Try to keep it in perspective.  I'm not performing Brain Surgery or curing cancer, and no one will die because we ran out of paper plates and sweet-n'-low (even is they may act like it).

Here's to another workweek!

MEME Monday

Did Obama tap that?

President Trump thinks so.  This weekend Trump tweeted:

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"
The president has accused his predecessor of tapping his phones at Trump Tower in October, without offering any evidence. The White House wants Congress to investigate .  Meanwhile the former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper stated:

"For the part of the national security apparatus that I oversaw as DNI, there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the President-elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign,"

I'm sure this isn't going away anytime soon #tobecontinued...


Click here for 32 of the most wholesome things that have ever happened (some of the language is a little NSFW)

Quote of the Day

What she tackles she conquers"

- Richard Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)

Weekend Vibes

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My friend is getting married in May!  Saturday we worked on making her beautiful centerpieces. I learned two things:
I cannot tie bows- even after watching YouTube videos
Wire Cutters are scary

Can't wait till the big day #MOH 

More Bridget Jones.

The only thing I hate more then work and adulting is grocery shopping.
(Yes those are Lucky Charms- They're GF now)

The usual Sunday Night Blues and Talenti

I had full intentions of posting tonight...

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But I caught 'The Crud'

So instead, lets go over 5 ways to avoid catching the bug thats going around your office, according to Forbes.

  1. Wash you hands- duh.  Viruses can be transferred by touching something else (phone, stapler, copy machine etc.) that someone sick, that hasn't washed their hands has touched.
  2.  Limit your hand to hand contact- In the business world this isn't always avoidable, but be sure to wash your hands and use hand sanitizer often to help kill germs.
  3. Multivitamins-  Taking a multivitamin can help boost your immunity.  Vitamin C #allday (obviously, if your on other medications for existing health reasons check with your Doctor/ Pharmacist if taking a multivitamin is OK-  a bad interaction would be significantly worse than a cold)
  4. Be Healthy- If you're already a relatively healthy person (no smoking, work out regularly, eating well), this helps to maintain a healthy immune system. 
  5. Call in Sick-  If you're really feeling awful, you probably won't be very productive anyway.  Plus, if you stay home, you won't be infecting everyone else at the office. (Don't worry #bosslady I'm not planning on calling in tomorrow)
If you have any super secret remedies of how to get the gunk thats built up in my head to dissipate I'd greatly appreciate it!

Time for NyQuil.